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IB notes, IA, EE and tips

My name is Liam

There are two fundamental creatures in this world: 

An earthling and an IBling.


Who are you?


I am a May 2016 IB diploma graduate.

I went through exactly what you are going through now. 

Stress, tears and panic. 


Let me help you, as I genuinely know what it feels like. 


Uhm, how exactly will you help me?


Well, this is a webpage where you will find my personal items. 


Things I have on this page are:

1. My finalized notes that go through every part of the syllabus 

2. My IAs

3. My EE and TOK essay + presentation 


Why do you do this?


I don't share all my work because I am proud of it.

That is a BIG NO NO.

I do this in hope of reaching at least one student that will benefit from it.


Hey, some of your stuff is wrong!


If you have found any errors (which is very probable) or want me to include something you think I missed out on, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Notes & IAs & recommended books by subject

Math HL

Biology HL

Chemistry HL

English Lang & Lit SL

Economics SL

Extended Essays


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An excellent way to learn is by writing clear notes other people can understand. 


 Share your notes and let's expand our notes library for our fellow IBlings!


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Patient Info

Past Papers & Question Banks

I cannot share past papers or question banks due to IBO regulations.

© 2022 IBling by Anonymous

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